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  • Writer's pictureDillan Foster

Her Way is The Way

Written August 2022

All women must have the right to understand, accept, and love their own bodies. Those which are made of soil, sun, and thunder. It is their gift to be in tune with the unfolding of their flower, its natural cycling, rhythm, and timing. It is her joy to be deeply and intimately nourished by the waves of natures oceans, the needle-song hum of pine forests, and the tangerine drops of delicious star shine.


            It is the man’s honor & duty to earnestly to this same pulse of throbbing existence, so that he may know exactly when his penetrative power is invited and welcomed by not only his feminine counterpart but by nature and life herself.


            To penetrate her the moment or a decision before action is called for is akin to plucking unripe fruit. It requires force of personal will and as such goes against the way of things. To be righteous of heart is to be in accord with the song of life. To be in integrity with this righteousness is to not take that which is not asking to be taken, to not giver where your gift is not welcomed, and to not speak when Silence is the way.


            To be a father and a friend to life is to recognize and honor that all thing have their own course, nature, and destination. It is to work with this flow of existence, singing your song, pitching your tent, and making love to your woman when life says “yes.”


            Penetrate with conscious consent,

                                    Where you are called,

                                    Where you are invited

                                    Where you are accepted

                                    Where you belong.


            To do otherwise is to go against the way of things.

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