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  • Writer's pictureDillan Foster

Go! Live!

You are born into this world with nothing.

You will leave this world with nothing!

Why are you so possessive?

Get what you need in order to live your life, and use the rest to help others.

You will die.

What is the meaning of your life? To accumulate and pretend you know power?

You don't know power. You're insignificant. You're going to die and there's nothing you can do about it.

That's the truth.

You can, however come to know power, TRUE power, once you accept your mortality, viscerally, and let that realization change you into someone who is wise, generous, and splendidly compassionate!

Brothers and sisters, contemplate your life each day and let your situation become clear! I beg of you.

Our world depends on it.

We must wake up. We must come together. And we MUST see how our precious and tender it is to be alive!

Go! Live!

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