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Life Coaching Services For Men


I help men awaken into selfless masculinity. 


Hey brother, 

I know it has been a long and winding road that led you here.


There is a flame burning inside of your heart that has become stifled. It isn’t burning with the fierce love that’s true to your core. 


It’s blanketed by a scream of pain, a gnawing voice of “something isn’t right,” or a whisper of “what the fuck are you doing?”


Whatever flavor of anguish, anxiety, or suffering you’re experiencing;


I get it; because that’s what led me here too. 


I get it; because I am you.

Black Background

Working with me as your coach means having an ally in your pain, your deepest honor, and your calling to live a life of selflessness. 


I help you find your path by pointing out blind spots, so that we can destroy the obstacles to your growth, together. 


You will remain in the seat of yourself while I help you free yourself from the prison of your heart. 


Just as others have helped me to do.

My inspiration for serving the liberation of men comes from a deep joy, freedom, and purpose within myself.

It comes from the recognition that I have been gifted so deeply and completely by the generosity of life that the only thing that makes sense is to share that gift of freedom with others. 


But it didn’t start out that way.

Dillan Foster Founder of Brothers of Wisdom
By the time I was 25...

My mind was shattered from substance abuse, my best friend was in prison for life, and my only brother was dead from a drug overdose. 


This is when I knew. Enough was enough. 


I decided to put an end to the chaos and suffering of men. I had to start with myself. Life brought me teachers, teachings, and lessons; but they couldn’t do the work for me. 


I dug deep within, surrendered to my soul, confronted my shadow, and received the gift of my darkness. I emerged victorious, a new man. 


What did I find? I found the same thing I continue to find over and over. 



I have a choice...

I can choose to continue indulging my problems in an impotent way, or I can take responsibility, let go, open to love, and reclaim my power.

Black Background

In this path of taking responsibility, I have seen that men are in severe trouble. We have been stripped of our embodied masculine power and cut off from the divine source of life.

This needs to end. It needs to be addressed.

My purpose and mission is to help men like you end your suffering by surrendering to the truth within, restoring your integrity, opening to love, and committing yourself to a purposeful Life, all within the context of brotherhood. 


I am here to initiate, counsel, teach, and challenge you on your path of growth, healing, and complete self-actualization as you reclaim your choice and free yourself from your suffering. 


I am here to help you become the man you’re meant to be.


Men have said...

  • “Dillan has helped me, through his clarity and directness, become clear on my boundaries in relationships, work, and life.”


  • “Working with Dillan as my life coach has helped me more than 10 years of therapy.” - Jordan


  • “Working with Dillan has helped me become aware of my people pleasing tendencies. To see and feel the unexpressed anger and rage I have inside of me. My relationships are better now.”


  • “Dillan is present, honest, and dedicated."            - Phillip


  • “Dillan’s guided breathwork was the most powerful healing experience of my life.” - Drew


Brothers of Wisdom Dillan Foster Man Uncivilized
My Backgroud...

Man UNcivilized Men’s Coach with Traver Boehm

Man UNcivilized Leader with David Boyd

Reiki “Master” / Energy Worker with Nina Best

Prema Breathwork Facilitator with Leila Dylla & Iraimer Ruiz

Spiritual Awakening with Michael Singer, Mooji, & Bentinho Massaro

A.A. Philosophy, Flathead Valley Community College

“Dillan has helped guide me closer to my inner self, my understanding of self empowerment, and to strangers who I’ve learned much from and have become good friends with through the men’s group he led. From one on one meditation & discussion, and so on Dillan excels in bringing together different kinds of individuals into a space of non-judgement, and free flowing expression, uniting us all through thoughtful exercises and practices. I very much look forward to the time I get to spend with him, for he is a thoughtful, charming, and loving human.”

- Matt


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